
Proper use and maintenance of cotton towel

Does your family wash face towel in summer often have strange smell, slippery... . . I have recently learned a few methods, which are published here for your reference. Our household towels sometimes, despite repeated cleaning, especially cotton towels, will still give off a strange smell, but also dry after hardening, wet when sticky, slippery, always wrung not dry, absorbent will become poor, how to do this?
The towel has the unusual smell to harden the processing method:

Cotton Towel hardening is mainly due to free calcium, magnesium ions and soap in the water combined to produce calcium magnesium soap attached to the surface of the towel. In order to prevent the towel hard, in addition to regular cleaning, should put the towel in an alkaline water pot boil 15 minutes (generally 1.5 kg plus 30 grams of soda can, note that all towels to soak in alkaline water) , after boiling, remove the towel and rinse thoroughly with clean water. You can also soak the towel with white vinegar for half an hour, and then take the corner of the towel swing a circle for a while, the towel on the small coil have been shaken off, dry, then the towel will feel soft touch, but also to prevent the breeding of bacteria. Towel Greasy sticky and produce a strange smell, it is because the surface of the towel attached to a large number of sweat, tears and other secretions. Clean the surface of the greasy towel, in addition to can be cleaned with alkaline water, you can also put the towel in strong salt water boil or hot wash.

Towels are things that people use every day. Most of our household towels are pure cotton towels. It is also because of daily use that they seem too ordinary and too common, the choice, use and placement of the towels were too casual. It is this carelessness that can have unexpected consequences for our health.
Towel is a multi-loop fabric, the gap is much, it is easy to absorb dust and germs, it every day with our skin for close contact, germs easily invade people's body, make people infected with disease. Money, bed linen and towels are the three main indirect media of disease transmission, according to new scientific tests. Improper use of towels can cause skin damage and, in severe cases, cross infection. Now most people know the importance of personal towels, but it is often a multi-purpose towel, and is not broken do not change, not pay attention to the maintenance of cotton towels.

Here are some tips for proper towel use and maintenance:
1. Do not use the new towel directly, should wash the new towel with water before use. This is because the towel in the shopping mall display, may be a lot of consumer contact, direct use is not sanitary;
2. Used towels should be washed, dried and dried before re-use to meet the requirements of hygiene and health. If they are not washed, dried and reused, or even shared by many people, the chances of transmission of bacteria will be greatly increased, and could lead to cross-contamination. Our country's Health Organization has also issued a special paper to promote the number of individual consumers to use towels for three men and four women;
3. Towel place should keep ventilated dry, in order to prevent from spot or breed all sorts of bacteria, increase towel service life;
4. Do not use household towels bleach, so as not to harm the skin;
5. Towels should be replaced in a timely manner. Any product has a useful life, towel is a fiber fabric, is an organic, its useful life is generally 3 months. Therefore, should be based on the use of timely replacement of towels. If the towel becomes moldy or becomes dry and hard, replace it immediately.
6. Everyone must have their own special towel, and according to the needs of configuration of different purposes of towel products. Facial towel, bath towel, Bibulous wrap head towel, sport towel should be used separately;
7. Wash the towel in time after use, disinfection once a week, the best timely drying or drying;

Towels are often contaminated with human secretions, which have many pathogenic microorganisms, such as Chlamydia trachomatis, Staphylococcus aureus, gonorrhea and mold, and so on, the promotion of weekly disinfection.

There are several methods of disinfection:
1. Cooking disinfection. Boil the towel in boiling water for 10 minutes or so, then wash it with soapy water and let it dry
2. Microwave disinfection. Clean the towel, fold it and put it in the microwave oven, run for 5 minutes to achieve the goal of disinfection;
3. Autoclave disinfection. Put the towel into the pressure cooker, heating to maintain about 30 minutes, you can kill most of the microorganisms;



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